更新时间:2023-06-29 08:30:00点击次数:4344次
辽宁东宝集团船舶制造有限公司具有国内先进的造船管理模式和多项修造船资质。拥有海岸面积225公顷,可修造20万吨及以下各类船舶,造船及海洋工程能力为年60万载重吨,拥有“两喷五涂”舾装生产车间一套、200吨大型龙门起重机一台,以及多个门式起重机等大型起重设备。修船能力每年50艘,可实现50万轻吨的年拆船量。 Liaoning Dongbao Group Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. has domestic advanced shipbuilding management mode and a number of shipbuilding qualifications. With a coastline of 225 hectares, it can build ships of 200,000 tons and below. The shipbuilding and offshore engineering capacity is 600,000 DWT. It has a set of two spray and five coats and a 200-ton large gantry crane. And large lifting equipment such as multiple gantry cranes. The ship repairing capacity is 50 ships per year, which can achieve an annual shipbreaking capacity of 500,000 light tons.