更新时间:2019-11-13 07:47:15点击次数:15489次
2019年11月11日-12日,斯洛伐克商务考察团和驻中国商会会长一行7人来到辽宁东宝实业集团有限公司,进行商务考察和洽谈。外宾就东宝集团下属各子公司不同行业进行了详细的考察,对东宝港发展前景等进行了解,并表现出浓厚的合作意愿。 On November 11-13, 2019, a 7-member delegation of the Slovak Business Delegation and the Chamber of Commerce in China came to Liaoning Dongbao Industrial Group Co., Ltd. to conduct business investigations and negotiations. The foreign guests conducted detailed inspections on different industries of the subsidiaries of Dongbao Group, and conducted a detailed understanding of the development prospects of Dongbao Port, and showed strong willingness to cooperate.
我公司董事长李宝东先生和王静夜总经理对考察团的到来表示热烈欢迎,并陪同考察团到各公司进行了实地的考察。李董事长向来宾介绍了我公司的基本情况和我公司不同行业发展现状,外宾对我公司的船体分段制造、钢结构构件成品、集装箱房及船用装饰材料各单元产品表示极大的兴趣。并对我公司立足长远发展,实现企业效益和社会效益双赢的战略给予了高度肯定。 Mr. Li Baodong, the chairman of our company, and Mr. Wang Jingye, the general manager of the company, expressed their warm welcome to the delegation and accompanied the delegation to the companies for a field visit. Chairman Li introduced the basic situation of our company and the development status of different industries of our company. The foreign guests expressed great greatness to the hull segment manufacturing, steel structural component finished products, container house and marine decorative materials. interest. It also highly affirmed the strategy of our company based on long-term development and achieving a win-win situation for both corporate and social benefits.
![]() 之后,斯洛伐克商务代表和驻中国商会会长与我方在会议室进行了热烈友好的座谈,并衷心希望通过此次参观与指导,能够实现东宝集团与捷克斯洛伐克的成功合作,并成为长期友好互信合作伙伴。外宾对这次的东宝之行也表示很有收获,肯定了东宝集团的管理模式与产品质量,也非常期待双方日后的友好洽商。 Afterwards, the Slovak Business Representative and the President of the Chamber of Commerce in China had a warm and friendly discussion with us in the conference room, and sincerely hope that through this visit and guidance, the successful cooperation between Dongbao Group and Czechoslovakia will be realized and become long-term friendly. Mutual trust partner. Foreign guests also expressed great gains on this trip to Dongbao, affirmed the management model and product quality of Dongbao Group, and looked forward to the friendly negotiation between the two parties in the future.